
The Stone Face


For thirty years I have visited the park with the great stone wall. The side of the wall has stones that the Earth has formed to look like a face. Every time I have visited the face was set in a frown. Until my last visit, when I saw it smile. Not seeing anyone upon the path (even though it seemed strange to do) I asked it about its change, and believe it or not it answered. It said


I have lived a long, long time

I have seen many changes

I have heard many rhymes

It used to get me down

That is why I had that from

For many people would pass me by

But lately I have seen

How beautiful the grass is green

Watching the children at play

Watching the ducks on the lake

Have helped put a smile upon my face

The BBQs

Water gun fights

Kites in flight

People upon the trail

All of this is quite swell

Yes it still gets lonely at times

No one stops by to say hi

To this face in the stone

They follow the trail

To leave me alone

However there are some like you

Even though it seems strange

Ask me

How are you


We talked about much more. Then I saw the time was late. Said goodbye, said I\'d come back tomorrow, and went home. Every month I make a trip, to see my old friend.