
Men of Letters

MEN OF LETTERS is a secret underground
society, some say they\'ve been around since
the 1930\'s, some say they go all the way 
back to the Knight Templars, all I know is
that they still exist today but don\'t ask me
how I know \'cuz I was sworn to secrecy but
I will tell you what I can without giving it all
THE MEN OF LETTERS have thousands of
files on the supernatural from creatures we 
thought were myth’s, to creatures we\'ve
never even heard of before, only other secret
societies are granted permission to go through
their extensive library from time to time but
they never have more than hour to find the
information they come to find \'cuz the
MEN OF LETTERS have thousands and
thousands of files on the supernatural but 
some things will always remain under lock
and key for only their eyes to see \'cuz it 
would mean the end of the world if it ever
got into the wrong hands so THE MEN OF
LETTERS have to stay one step ahead of
every new generation that doesn\'t quite
understand just how powerful knowledge
can be but these MEN OF LETTERS
are the sons of the legacy...
a pure bloodline passed down over time...
guardians of the supernatural...
guardians of knowledge all powerful...