
Misery Loves Company

I sit watching and waiting, nerves tender to the touch

As anxiety and worry pound through my brain

And threaten to push their way out in the form of a hollow cry

Of anger and despair


I clutch my chest as if to prevent the blood

From leaking out from my now bleeding heart


Confusion and anger drove my fist to palm;

As if to pound out the reasons for each emotions existence,  

Knowing good and well how they were created


They were born into me after being raped

Of my once innocent mind

Impregnated with the lies and falseness of love


And now as my soul tries to abort the growing blackness within

My mind struggles to focus and come to terms that this reality is my own creation


So I continue to wait:

Eyes fixed on the clock and a hand ready for the phone

Wondering if my love will ever again come home.