
Past Me, Future Me

dear past me, future me

I\'m not the girl I use to be

I don\'t always smile

I don\'t always laugh


if you just look at me

you will see

the girl I am, isn\'t really me


I sometimes wish

I could go back in time

I wish I had a remote to press rewind


like I said

I\'m not that girl I once was

I\'ve made mistakes that I now regret


well I guess you could say

its time for a change

its time to show the world

what were really meant to be


don\'t be afraid

to just be you

cause that\'s what your made to do


dear past me, future me

I realize that I\'ve changed

throughout all these years


I mean you don\'t

always stay the same,

do you?


let me ask you a question

are you still the same person,

as you were five years ago?


the answer is no

your not

you\'ve changed without realizing it


no one stays the same forever

even if you wanted to

you won\'t, believe me


so dear past me, future me

I know that I\'ve changed

and that\'s okay


I\'m happy with who I am today

no more pretending

no more hiding


you don\'t like who I am

then so what

I. don\'t. care. I\'m just gonna be me


I love who I am

and so should you

you always should


forget everyone else

focus on you

and you will be happy


find happiness within yourself

not someone else

they can\'t find your happiness for you

only you can do that


so again dear past me, future me

thank you

for making me into who I am today


I know now

who I\'m meant to be

and I love the new me


I\'m stronger now

then I ever was before

because I\'ve learned, and so will you


believe me, it\'ll get better

it usually does

if you let it


live, learn, love

you all can do this

I know you can

just believe in yourself


The Old Me