
a white war for souls

One heart break after another 

you build your imunity 

as for credulity 

you somehow keep

the one thing you don\'t want

the one thing you don\'t need

when all you want is a mother 

when all you want is lovers

when all you want is a dying numbness you can cover

when all you have is lovers

but no mother 

but a dying numbness you can\'t cover

when you have someone to hold your hand

when you have someone to keep your heart soaring 

but with no pain

no stinging 

just a warm touch 

of someone who would die for you 

but you can\'t feel

you can\'t see wisely through your scars

through the hours

who\'s fighting 

and I\'m still wondering when i will stop fighting 

a war 

a war i seem to be seeing 

so vividly 

so cruelly 

so bloody

a conversation my mind has been twisted in 

so focused on the win

what about the journey 

what about your love 

what about your father 

what about your brother 

what about the lessons 

what about the felons 

the felons you sit with 

the felons you love.