
When The Snow Blows

This is no Pub Crawl,

Bar-to-bar walk with drinks.

But, a Car Crawl on an icy road,

Drivers behind the wheel like dinks.


It’s the first snow here,

In the cold Northeast.

Sandwiched in between,

Thanksgiving, Christmas feasts.


Fresh snow now falling,

Does make one feel alive.

But, I’m stuck in the traffic,

So that lovely spirit dies.


Why do the people,

Get so crazy, so shaky.

When the first frozen rain,

Turns all fluffy, all flaky.


Once again getting used to,

The road under one’s wheels.

Slip, slide, out-of-control,

I know just how they feel.


I’m behind the wheel here,

Red lights stretched out in front,

Hoping I don’t slide,

Into that Mercedes trunk.


Car wipers’ rhythm,

Makes me think of a poem.

Or maybe make a bee line,

Just head the heck back home?


Cars near a stand still.

So, I’ll look at the scenery.

Snow now covers, just yesterday,

What was once the greenery.


Scanning the car radio,

Trying to find some music.

Instead of the Jamokas

Insipid jabber makes me car sick.


See the sights alongside,

Now catching my eye.

When on the good days,

Don’t notice, as I fly by.


Conditions should improve.

And, all of this is mute.

Fingers crossed for, at least,

Normal back-home commute.


But, Winter begins,

On the 21st of the month.

Today’s a piece of cake?

Compared to what’s yet to come?


So, next time this happens,

Make some fun of the commute.

Bring a thermos of hot chocolate,

Cream cheese and bagel to boot.


And, Piggyback some Wifi,

A home just off the road.

Otherwise, be stressed out,

Because this is when snow BLOWS!