kevin browne

Sunshine In A Cold Cellar.

learning from a lesson that was never really found,
tried to work it out but all I could do was shout,
stood tall against the wall that was indeed bound to open,
sharpen up the edges then some permission to blunt someone\'s age from the positive became valid once discovered,
and with a wait a while instead of going home,
park up on your bike but leave the kids alone,
sunshine in a cold cellar and devoid of any throne,
remarked made the offensive sin of drinking one for the road,
taught myself well in thinking \"there is nothing either good or bad, only thinking makes it so\",
upheld in a newly designed effortless way of living a life,
when everything fell back down onto Earth, oh how it fluttered with Joy division,
caught in the act as I pulled another story out of the old chapter, filling space with the time that it took to reach us, and in memory of dictatorship by the great,
the inconvenient and the most upper tight-lipped thighs there are, neatly subdued to watch the show of any horrors we encounter