

I\'m estatic.
This testiment will be comitted
to memory through images of scenery.
No doubt that we\'ll wake up and remember everything eventually,
But until then let\'s enjoy this.

You\'ve got a soft smile and loving eyes.
I see right through the lies
I know that I for one am vulnerable
like a turtle without a shell,
cowering form of what is lost.
Protection is a pipe dream
and the smoke stopped when I lost it.
Just like all I own it\'s gone away from me.
Abandoned when what I needed most was for something to need me,
a crutch in dire need of a cane.

Where has the sun gone?
Just an hour before there was no chance of rain and now it\'s pouring.
At least I have an umbrella,
right now it\'s the only roof I have.
Even in all these houses,
they must have caved in from all the dead weight.
Beams and truses only support so much.