C  UDDLY TOYS ~  are a perfect gift for any Girl or Boy

U  SUALLY  we love them ~ they fill us all with Joy !

D  OGS and Cats and Teddies ~ Tigers & Lions too

D  ESIGNERS  make a Cuddly Toy from anything in the ZOO

L  EOPARDS   all with lots of spots ~ Zebra\'s black and white

Y  OU  take your pick ~ they do the trick and cuddle you at night


T  HEY  are not electronic ~ they need no batteries

O  CTOPUS  from your Uncle Gus ~ a Monkey for your Niece !

Y  OU  and I keep all our toys ~ each one is sentimental

S  OON  every room will go BOOM BOOM ~ with TEDDY please be gentle !


Thanks for reading ~ comments welcome ~ Love your Cuddly Toys ~ BRIAN


You probably all know ~ but the best gift for the Girl or Guy in you life is a CUDDLY TOY !