
An Ode To The Smile I Sent, But Never Received

Today I made eye contact with you, at your work, you ignored me...

And at that moment I realized you were finally gone.

Not gone like dead or anything. But gone, out of my life.

And it hurts, boy it hurts like hell.

I want to say that I\'m okay with it, and I\'ll forget about you and forgive you for leaving me. But no, at this present moment I can\'t say that.

Though I can\'t say I\'m mad about what happened either, mad at myself sure, never at you though. Upset at how you just up and fucking left me, or course.

A few things before you go for good:
1. I love you god damnit.
2. I miss you, I have ever since this started and I always will.
3. Thanks for the memories (yes fall out boy reference because I know you like them)
4. I fucking love you. Thank you. I miss you.
5. I guess this meant more to me than it did you.
6. I\'m sorry I fucked up...

7. Goodbye, I love you.