
Read me.

If you\'re reading this, I\'d like to thank you.

You put your feelings to paper and post for the world to see.

Must be scary, maybe not

It takes courage to pass the 1st step

You expose your true self, not the mask you wear to fit in

It\'s never easy and most times it might feel unbearable

The life you live and the lies you tell yourself to make it seem OK when it never is

I see your words and I appreciate your true self

Your effort....thank you

Your heartfelt writing....thank you

You are the true self

No lying mask, no makeup, and no fancy things

Just you, the one who\'s reading

And me, the one who hopes these words reach you

Hear them....

Feel them....

Know that they are real....

From the bottom of my heart....thank you (For you being you)