Aa Harvey

Empty voice

Empty voice



Inspire me to write a poem that you would enjoy;

Tell me what you want to read about and tell me a story.

Ask me a question, decline to use profanity;

Be you man, woman, girl or boy.



A thought, a wish, an image or a memory.



What is your motif? I desire to know of your desire.

Tell me something you think so I can create a line,

As I listen to them, as they play the lyre.

Let me become a better writer; be the fuel to my fire.

Ignite my passion for being passionate;

I am so scared of fading away, to once more become a cursing liar.



I don’t want to become an empty voice without enlightenment;

I don’t want to disappear from the pages you read.

I don’t want to be forgotten,

As someone who used to bring you enjoyment;

But my soul is dying, my spirit fading and my subconscious is in need.



I need your advice, be it criticism or nice;

I need to know how I can improve upon the words that I write.

I need to entice you back into my life,

Because without you to guide me, I will become a shadow in the night,

Who writes without originality…

Try as I might, to write something you will like.



Save me from obscurity;

Help my chaotic mind find a place of serenity.

Rate me good or bad or offer me a thought;

I will take all your words to heart and view them with awe.



If I can write no more, then so be it, let that be that;

But if there is a way to improve upon those silly things that I do,

Then give me a piece of your mind so that I have a chance.

I strive to improve as I reach out for wisdom;

I am waiting on a light bulb moment and I am feeling so numb.



Give me advice, be it fire or ice;

Just give me something to think about…


So that I can once again, try to write.



(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.