


They are shaping their reality perception like climbing a mountain, seeing larger views, and at the same time having a microscope to see the details.

So flexible;  A mix of imagery, naivety, knowledge, and tailoring mosaic of beliefs.

Allot of empty space in their minds as an empty desktop,   to explore, examine and process reality from within.


How can we guide them to be authentic, coherent, aware and with integrity?

How can we give them tools to find their inner home in them?

How can we guide them how to generate an incubator of wellness in any space they are in?

How can we give them love without imposing on them our belief system?

How can we advise them to maintain empty space in their minds?

How can we inspire them to continue being  innocent even if they get hurt?

How can we encourage them to let go of layers of automatic conditioning?

How can we embolden them to play life, be creative and be conscious to implement preventive wellness lifestyle of good health & well being ?


Should  they learn from us, as we walk our talks?