Izzi Lynn


The air here reminds me 
of the places I\'ve been. 
The snow on my jacket
and the wind on my skin. 
I\'m alone up here, 
alone with my thoughts. 

As much as I deny, 
this is my home now. 
And it has a wild beauty to it, 
wild, untamed, and free. 
Wild untamed, free. 

I want to see the seasons flit from one to another. 
I want to see the spring showers, 
see the summer gales, 
the autumn storms, 
the winter blizzards. 

This is my home now. 
An untamed wilderness. 
And I\'ll watch the seasons bleed into each other. 
I\'ll watch the leaves turn scarlet and gold,
I\'ll watch them fall, leaving bare skeletons behind. 
I\'ll watch them blossom and grow green again. 
And I\'ll watch them bear fruits and prepare to turn color. 

The snow turning my fingertips blue
tells me I\'m alive. 
The ice making my cheeks flush
tells me I have blood flowing through my veins. 
The cold air caressing my face
tells me my heart is beating. 
The ice and snow and wind 
show me my lungs are still breathing. 

As much as I deny, 
this is my home now.
As much as I miss 
the places I\'ve left behind, 
I know that this 
is where I\'m meant to be.
The squirrels, the wolves, 
the forest, the snow, 
the rivers, the lakes, 
the sunshine, the rain. 
This is my place.