Reivax Camlost

When Mercy smiles / One good dream


I had a vision, Mercy singing

And her face lit up the stars

A smile to one\'s heart embolden

Banished all the frightful cold and

Dreary thoughts of elsewhere times

And Elsewhere faces no-one finds

To some far-off but pleasant place 


It was a smile of a gift upholden love 

And something with a golden shine

Bring happiness and gladness from above

And scents of sage, with lavender and thyme


The sun delights when Mercy lifts her voice

Although she seldom sings before the sky

Mercy\'s sound is silver bells and honey smiles

A dream, a shadow of sunshine

A calling candle flame-


Pure Fate, that Mercy sang my song

Fated, always meant to be

Fate, a crystal-seeming mystery

A dreaming beach of sandy shells and sea

For Mercy was a lover only met in whisper-sigh,

but yet she sang my song-


\"Mercy is my one sunshine

Her words reach out as my lifeline

Who wears the colors of the snow

In the orange-blossom evening glow

Of the candle light\"


And no truer words she\'d spoken

And I thought my heart was broken

And she took my hand and all was well

Awhile, in that one good dream

And after too I had her smile, for I see

It in each lilac gold and yellow morning beam