
My charmer


This love that I’m feeling, I can’t begin to explain, not only does it consume my heart but it’s engulfed my brain and when I imagine a second without him in my life, it’s enough to send me insane. This is not a mockery, our love is faithful and pure and if there’s one thing I know, it’s of that I am sure. A love that is strong enough to kick start my heart and make me scared of any day we’re forced to spend apart. Every time he walks out of my door, I’m a mess, I’m not me, I’m a sobbing wreck as I fall to the floor.

 The irresistible traits that he so confidently shows, is the water I pour on this love as it grows, and the only thing I need is to make sure he knows. That smile, that laugh, those above the line jokes that have me begging for more, make the smile on my face shine through to my core. From the moment, he caught my eye, the only thing I feared was the moment we had to say goodbye, falling in love with him was so effortless, no forced attempt to try. This love is the truth, no sign of a lie, a love so strong I swear I could fly, A love so strong, I could never deny.

I look in his eyes, and I see nothing but my future, a long and happy life with him as my chosen suitor and if love is a drug, I’m not just your standard user, I define the true meaning of the word substance abuser. His love is my shield, my sword and my armour. I am nothing but the snake in the basket, he is my charmer.

I guess what I’m saying, is his love is drowning me, I’m truly sinking, I jumped in this ocean of love without even thinking. I don’t want to be saved, I can no longer see the shore, I’ll be content in the waves of his love, afloat for ever more.