
Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time

There was a tiny baby girl

And her parents loved her

And they loved each other

And they dressed her all in pink

And hugged and kissed her all the time

And she had everything she wanted and more


Once upon a time

There was a little girl

With big brown eyes

That everyone admired

And her mother loved her

But her parents didn\'t love each other anymore

And her father went away

And didn\'t speak to her anymore.

That was the year she got a new daddy

One who didn\'t stay out drinking

Or yell at her mommy

And he loved her

And let her wear his cowboy hat.

And her mommy and her new daddy loved each other

And they told her she was going to be a big sister.


Once upon a time

There was a little girl

With hair all cut short

Even though she cried and cried

Because she liked her long hair

And that was the year that her baby brother was born

But he only lived for 2 weeks

And her parents still loved each other

But her mother was sad

And her father was angry

And she was lonely

So they got 2 cats

And her nightmares stopped

And they moved away.


Once upon a time

There was a girl

Just starting high school

And getting noticed for the first time

That was the year a boy on her swim team

Gave her a ride to practice

But took advantage of her before they got there

And she was too ashamed to admit she didn\'t want to

So she took the fall for it

And her mother slapped her when she found out

And she thought it would be a good idea

To slice herself open

And bleed her pain out

And she had to go to the hospital

Where they stitched her up

And sent her to a counselor

Who listened but didn\'t really care

And her parents still loved each other

But she started to wonder how much they really loved her

And she had a new little brother

Who adored her

And so she just focused on him

And her grades

So she could get away.


Once upon a time

There was a girl

On her own for the first time in her life

Determined to find herself in college

Determined to be the person she could never be back home

That was the year that she became desperate for love

Desperate for a reason to keep going

Because she was tired

And she gave herself away

Time and time again

Hoping maybe someone could love her

But no one could

And she got pregnant

And had to move back home to her parents

After the father of her child

Tried to pressure her into getting an abortion

Even after she told him she couldn\'t live with it

And she took a bottle of sleeping pills

So she wouldn\'t have to live without her baby

But she and her baby were both fine

And she had a tiny baby girl of her own

Who needed her completely

And she finally had a reason to keep going.


Once upon a time

There was a girl

Who fell in love

And he loved her too

And he bought her a ring

And promised to marry her

And love her daughter as his own

And that was the year she learned that people lie

And the man she loved hurt her

And screamed at her

And made her believe that it was her fault

But she loved him

So she stayed

And he decided he didn\'t want to marry her after all

And he tried to kill her when he caught her packing

So she took her daughter and left

Even though she still loved him.


Once upon a time

There was a girl

Who got kicked out of her house

And she had no job

And no place to live

And her parents watched her daughter for her during the week

So that she could get on her feet again

And her friend let her stay with her

But her daughter started to confuse her with her parents

And she noticed how much better off she was with them

And she began to wonder if she was losing her

That was the year she felt her reason to keep going

Start to slip away.

That was the year she did despicable things for money

So she could provide for her daughter

And she realized how alone she really was

And the knife became her best friend once again

And she turned to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain

And she realized that she had only ever been good for one thing

But that apparently she wasn\'t even enough at that.


Once upon a time

There was a girl

But she was really more of a shell

Completely empty inside

So she filled herself with pills and booze

Kissed the beautiful baby girl goodbye for the last time

As the baby girl rode off with her parents

And she went into her bedroom

And finally

She gave up.