
Spies in Red Felt: Effen Elves

NO! NO! NO! No, not that,

No way to handle good kids or brats.

Using a spy dressed up in red felt.

Find better way, behavior to be dealt.


What I write here is just to pose thought.

Spy approach to Christmas might suit your Tots.

So, I ask that you just hear me out.

Then leave a comment, jot your feelings down.


Spy’s supposed to report all to Santa.

Good or bad, it really doesn’t matter.

Should we think of this as just dalliance?

Make kids acceptable to state of surveillance?


Critics argue that it is a threat,

To the trust from you, your child should get.

Maybe even a form of borderline cruelty?

You impose upon them when they act unruly.


Maybe I’m just of the fashion of old.

I like the thought, you’re bad you get coal.

Others argue Spy backs up a lie.

Because Santa doesn’t exist, there’s no such guy?


Is using the Elf putting your family in danger?

Of forgetting the Holiday is about a child in a manger?

Isn’t the spirit of giving, what we should feel?

And, for all of humanity on Earth to heal?


So, the question I pose, is it harmless fun?

Or, leaving children with harm can’t be undone?

The choice, of course, is up to the parents,

Caregivers, Grandparents, whomever is apparent.


I never thought Santa the type of guy,

For tracking, he’d deploy a bunch of spies.

Because if you’re creative, you just might find,

A kinder, gentler approach, to keep kids in line.