
Invasion Of The Boring Guy

This middle-aged guy stopped by on the weekend.

To help someone close tie up loose ends.

To construct a frame on a very small shed.

Get the project close to an end.


Now Saturdays are my, great day of sanctuary.

My break after a week that’s made me so weary.

So getting chores done, before the day is spent.

Getting all out of the way, on this I don’t relent.


So, I returned home happy because I got everything done.

Now, to put my feet up, get ready to have some fun.

Everything was perfect until they opened the door.

My very special person walked in with this bore.


They sat at the table, made themselves at home.

I decided to be pleasant, made them snacks and more.

An hour passed by and then quite another.

I heated up leftovers, and began to feel like a Mother.


Waiting on them, lending a sympathetic ear.

Listening to Boring Guy\'s problems from prior years.

Dinner was done, me still feeling like a waitress.

My close friend and this bore had invaded my fortress.


The Boring Guy to me was definitely a wooz.

His overstayed visit was borderline abuse.

I looked at my friend with a determined glance.

Get rid of this guy, or I’ll kick him in the pants.


Finally, somehow, Boring Guy got the hint.

Never again will I allow this Goober in my midst.

And, I’ll speak up, too bad if they brood.

No company today, I’m just not in the mood.


Because there is an old saying of which I believe,

The best guests are those who know when to leave.

That way you will spend with them many more nights.

They don’t take advantage and are extremely polite.