
Power to change...

I often now wonder, what I could of become,
If it wasn\'t for the fact, I\'d be a coward and run.
During school I didn\'t listen, at home I was worse,
being a teen, you know the depth of mums purse.
I thought I\'d be young, for the rest of my life,
that thought is dispelled, once you\'ve kids and a wife.
A poet I could of been, or a scientist mad
or maybe a real husband, and very good dad.
My spelling is poor, my grammar much worse,
If only I\'d listened, to my teachers good verse.
But here now I sit, with alcohol in my hand,
Reminiscing music, from a really old band.
Would I change a thing, of the last thirty years,
not my beautiful family or learning from old peers.
The only wish I have, is to of been a better dad,
and more a loving husband to the only real friend,
      I ever had...               it\'s never to late to change..