
I Am Ready

I\'ve done everything I\'ve wanted to do

There is nothing left

A kiss is just wet flesh that could

Easily be replaced by any other person,

Though it feels really good.

The sex does nothing for me

At least, it had been with people that I don\'t care about

I have let the studies fall apart

And now the whole is in jeopardy for a failed part

A life as tragic and uninspiring as my impotent penis

Awaits me, should I choose life.

I feel nothing for anyone, why should I

When no one can help? I just can\'t be helped

I am unfixable, irreparable, made many mistakes permanent

Now it all ends, to put everyone at ease

They all knew that this would happen eventually

I might be a good conversation piece for a few days

I can only imagine how they will feel

To be held by their loved ones

But they, like everyone, will soon forget

By choice or by indifference

And then I fade to nothing

As those who may have known me wither and die

So too does my memory, completely


I must say, I admire those who have chosen life over death

I wonder where their strength comes from.

I don\'t have it, and I never did.


At the last, the dying knight was defeated;

He tried his best, but it wasn\'t enough.

Now, his corpse sits at the bottom of the sea,

Nibbled upon by the fish until his bones shine.