
Part of the Heart of a Family

I was thinking, just the other day,

Over the years, the pets I’ve had.

Just an average bunch of mammals,

Nothing considered very rad.


These loving creatures were part,

Of my childhood to future days.

Whether Holidays or vacations,

They participated in various ways.


Jed, our dog, a friendly mutt,

Of Collie and other mix,

Textbook buddy, who loved whipped cream,

Wide-eyed at the spoon to lick.


Mini, our cat, had three kittens,

By her side, they remained.

Mini, herself, out lived them all,

Until as a ghost she returned.


I swear I would see her on the couch,

Next to my Mother, when knitting.

So surprised, I looked a second time,

Mini then gone, no longer sitting.


Since then, I moved and married,

Two kids with pets of their own.

At Christmas I got a Hamster,

In a cage, I brought him home.


His type is known as Golden,

So, fluffy, small, petite.

Kids gave him the name “Homey”

His death really impacted me.


Precious one, my Greyhound dog,

A rescue, is what they say.

From day one, she became my friend,

Best buddie, best pal, my Grey.


The affect my Grey had on my life,

Is something I will never forget.

Gone now, but patient, I picture her,

Waiting for me at Heaven’s Gate.


I left out some of the other pals,

Fishes, a budgie, or parakeet.

Feathered, four-legged or not,

All of them were very sweet.


Today my home, so quiet,

No pets to care for anymore.

Memories and pictures are all that’s left,

And, the scratches on furniture and floor.