Every day we were amazed at the rainbow colors of CYGNUS 3 due to atmospheric diffraction !

As we explored our New Home  For our living quarters we establishe a Commune ~ TERRAONE !

We adapted our Spaceship (SWAN SEVEN) for the four  ASTRONAUTS (who were all in their 50\'s)

And the five couples occupied five BIOMES (see picture in PART 2).  We were all assigned tasks by 

ALAN JONES (The Senior Astronaut) who we elected Mayor of Terrone !  Monitoring Climatic Factors

Temperature ~ Rainfall ~ Composition of atmosphere ~ Wind etc.  Monitoring the River ~ Lake and

Seawater quality and edibility of the species of fish. We had a FREEZER in SWAN SEVEN which enabled 

us to freeze Fish ~ fruit ~ vegetables etc for future use !  Fish was our main source of PROTEIN.


Another important assignment was the search for and analysis of MINERALS which in the future would

Enable us to produe IRON and other metals and also to search for OIL. We were very busy each day.

Near to where we had landed was a Coast and the \"sea water\" was salty and it had a differnt Marine Life

Than the Rivers and Lakes ~ also we could produce SALT (sodium chloride) which is essential in our diet.

We had discovered some Bee Colonies which provided honey for  our coffee and making MEAD !


We have now been on CYGNUS 3 for six months and have some  exciting news !  Two of our Young Couples

Are expecting BABIES (we have adequate Medical Experience) who will be the FIRST SPACE BABIES ~ AMEN ! 


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love from CYGNUS 3 ~ BRIAN LOPEZ ~ XOX