
To my unborn kids

To my unborn kids.

What will I say when you ask me
I will answer truthfully because l would know me
When you ask me why mama?
I will answer you because l will know how to 
When you ask me when
I will answer then because I know how to wait.

Did l wait too long to have you?
No l waited long enough to earn you
Why now and not then?
Because then made you now
When before would have made you who ?
Now you are you and not me trying to live my dreams through you.

When finally you are birth
l will know the pleasure of death
Death of dreams unfulfilled now coming forth
And the pleasure of labouring for you to come first
So did l wait too long?
l hope it was long enough to let your pay cheque last you long
because you havent got me to support the rest of my life long