
to be discovered


when will this torture end
the endurance of that one life once lived
the life that was all joyful and filled with laughter
quickly changed into a long cry for help
when things turned all grey above a head
when the waves started to crash down harder then ever
THATS when a whole life changed
a life that turned into a war
and a war that was not losing nor winning
a constant battle between a life
its endangered and special so dont go throwing it away
its meant to be a life filled with every emotion
but constantly filled with the same emotion: depression
it took over a life and hasnt bothered going its just there
sitting in the backround of everything and dosent move
a life that was never meant to be killed with a good-bye
nor woken up with a hello
you see you were not left alone
people were always around you but u chose not to acknowledge it
it never was a battle between a life, a life was never in war
that life is just a normal life to fit a person who is yet to be discovered!
maybe that life was not meant to be discovered
just left alone, but with no war
maybe the word life was never meant to be encountered
this is how to be discovered!