
My Utopia !!!!!

My utopia !!!

So happy I am with finding this poetic site,
Filled with talented people, on darkness shine light.
Each so original and as new as new birth brings,
Filled with all manner of the most wonderful things.
Poems of hearts, so broken and so torn,
To be replaced, when a young one is born.
One of a shopping mall, built near a family plot,
Where ghosts go shopping, in their rags and in their rot.
Another of a planet, so very far away,
some will go and visit, but many will always stay.
One of two faced jealousy, that only red can bring,
Advice to show one face, please use it then to sing.
A mothers deep felt love, for her family and her kin,
Who\'ll go that extra mile and bring happiness on in.
As for myself, it allows me to write down,
Everything that makes, my head spin round and round.
My poetic side is here, for all of our kind,
To express our thoughts, in our soul,
             And in our minds.......

       Thank you all.....