
Don\'t Fret Dear Child

Don’t fret dear child!

We all know the world is wild

Sometimes hopes and dreams aren’t enough

So, I guess you’ll just have to be tough

With happy moments, come darker times

For pain, can’t be disguised behind these rhymes

You can worry for your future, regret your past

But never forget the present, as it never seems to last


Don’t fret dear child,

There will be times where you are riled

For fairness and truth aren’t the worlds priority

Eye catching articles will be all you’ll see

As you try to rise above it all

Many times will you fall

Yet only ever do you truly fail

When hopes leave your heart, and dreams broken upon a lonely trail


Don\'t fret dear child,

Stay calm and mild

For the obstacles won\'t stop charging

Just look ahead and do your thing

Even if they say your heart\'s in your head

Always continue where you tread


I fret dear child!

For this world is wild,

And you weren\'t meant for that

Insisting its your habitat

So you began your climb

Never forget that time by time

Hope is a fragile glass

Shattered by a single blast