
Christmas Spirit

I’ve got the Christmas Spirit.

Want to do crazy things.

In a dead-quiet library,

Stand on a chair and sing.


The acoustics there,

Be perfect, it seems.

I’d belt out a song,

Sounds like goat screams.


I’ve got the Christmas Spirit,

Missed the poignant meaning,

In a young poet’s writing.

My thought was fleeting.


So, I’ll stand corrected.

I apologize.

Was looking through,

Christmas Spirit eyes.


I’ve got the Christmas Spirit.

My heart’s light and fluffy.

I smile at people,

Looking stuck-up and stuffy.


But, I’ll understand.

They’re from a different place.

Not a life like mine.

Not the same issues to face.


I’ve got the Christmas Spirit.

Think of those without.

Not warm and dry.

In a safe, secure home.


So, I’ll ask Santa.

God and the Universe.

To use their powers,

Make their situation reversed.


I hope you’re in the Spirit.

All is good in your world.

Your best is still to come.

There’s no more turmoil.


That you get that promotion,

A big fat pay raise.

Out of a bad relationship,

Move towards happy days.


Each day you wake up,

Right away you’ll find.

Your worries are gone,

You have peace of mind.


And, cross my heart,

Look to heaven above,

That never, never, ever,

Think that you’re not loved.