
Unexpected my dear

Possibly the air gets hurt, 

As the blade of grass slices her moving in the wind.

Unexpected my dear, results of the way it is.


The way of the fires that burn, melting the frozen ice,

Into waters of pure.

Possibly the water hurts wanting to be solid to be one.

Unexpected my dear, results of the way it is.


I have tasted my whispers that died deaths in wishing love.

The bones in me tired of calling to false love.

I have danced alone in the moonlight with dreams as a partner for life.

Thinking love was a friend, only to be disguised as a phantom.

Unexpected my dear, results of the way it is.


Unexpected my dear, results of the way it is

Bright eyes of yours looking at vistas of the worlds,

Telling each of the growth of love.

Finding out love does not grow without hurt and compassion.

So, I find in me,

That I love you blind, I love completely.

A measure of my smile kissing yours,

I am in love with you,

Unexpected my dear, results of the way it is.