
Birthday Suit

Turn on the fixture,

First hot then cold.

No not a material,

Suit of clothes.


It’s time to clean,

It’s time to cleanse.

As another year,

Comes to an end.


To wash away,

All of those thoughts.

Kind that have kept,

My stomach in knots.


Just clean away,

This emotional silt.

Abolish inside,

Those feelings of guilt.


Stand in the shower,

As long as it takes.

Down the drain,

My past mistakes.


Fingers crossed,

No more be seen.

But, try as I may,

I’m a human being.


Feel the water flowing,

From the shower head.

Disintegrates hurtful,

Words to me said.


I finally feel,

So squeaky clean.

I’m comfortable in,

My very own skin.


So ready for,

The year’s that’s new.

Step from the shower,

My new Birthday Suit.