
Lost Morals

Shall i speak? Will you listen? Or perhaps you shall scold me with the intelligence you are given?

I speak firmly, with rage and aggression, even then not enough will change after this session.

Here you are, sitting still reading these words, whilst the rest choose to kill, their morals so absurd.

Do not confuse yourself, loosing your life is not the only way to die, some do not live simply because they were shy.

The slightest difference you reveal, causes hate and anger, to me this is wrong, a sickness growing like cancer.

How foolish and odd to beat that boy, only because he loves a male that gives him joy.

This planet, an evil one indeed, filled to the brim with corruption and greed.

You may argue \"but its not that bad\", Look around you, even the children feel sad. 

The pain and suffering is here all the same, it has simply changed into something harder to tame. 

Before it was only killing with rare chances of a mind being torn, now we even ignore that we stop children from being born.

This world is secretly dying do you not see? Our bodies move about but our minds will never be free.