B  BRITISH  PIES  are such a great tradition

R  READY  to eat in Dining Room and often in the Street  

I   I  LOVE  a nice Pork Pie ~ like t\'one in the photo  

T   THEIR  TASTE ~ hot or cold ~ is such a treat   

I   I ALSO  like a Beef pie full of onions and meat ! 

S   SWEET PIES ~ with apples and blackberries too 

H   HOT  served with custard are so  good for you !


P   PIES  are eaten each day ~ throughout the UK

I    I INSIST  that each pie ~ twice as wide as it\'s high

E   ENCASED  in pastry ~ like the Pork Pie above

S   SO  if you\'ve never tasted one ~ please give it a try !


Thanks for reading ~ comments welcome ~ Brian the Pieman


PLEASE NOTE:  Fruit or meat in a dish with a pastry

lid on is only half a pie (1.571) and fruit or meat

served with a square of puff pastry is NOT a pie !