Aa Harvey

Dying star

Dying Star



A falling star; a dying heart.

A step too far for a shot in the dark.

A burnt out car; the ruins of a castle.

You cannot defibrillate love inside a hospital without a chapel.



A smile without fidelity;

Two eyes of glass.

A poison without a remedy.

Never take them back.



Clouds of clarity;

Give to charity.

Peace love and empathy…

Embrace the misery.



Let the sunlight shine,

Or find a place to hide.

We are all ugly on the inside.

Every day becomes a night.



Try to find your Feng shui,

Or find your own path.

Who can say,

When it is your time to begin again or to turn back?



Plant a foot;

Plant a seed.

Plant a thought…


Just make sure you succeed.



(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.