
Fiona\'s Love

By Arcassin Burnham 

And You\'ve tried and tried and tried..
To make everything work out just fine..
And your sacrifice..
Will bring a beauty so delightful,

Plus you\'re a hardcore badass that don\'t take no shit,
From no one,
You had a love denyingly that any man couldn\'t handle,
It was too fun.
They couldn\'t stand a chance even if they tried..
I\'m glad you see a great vision in your life..
In your life,
I bet you\'ll find a purpose to survive,
I know you have the family by your side,
hope this doesn\'t come with a price,
In your life,
I bet you\'ll find a purpose to survive,
I know you have the family by your side,
hope this doesn\'t come with a price,

And You\'ve tried and tried and tried..
To make everything work out just fine..
And your sacrifice..
Will bring a beauty so delightful.