Bronze poems

No wings

Can\'t run from fate I have a mind with brain.can\'t hide from the fact I stare at a lock door waiting for somebody to kick in but never realized I\'m the one who trapped in. Hiding from reality feeling there\'s no gravity for me. Never seen the front of this door. So many chains but only four locks Impossible to break out like Fort Knox constantly thinking I could escape with one shot. But there\'s gotta be other way u live fight another day. But not I get so happy for hope and then it vanishes like the end of a rope. Air taken outta my lungs but yet the plunge I\'ve taken hasn\'t awaken or barley partaken in demolishing this part of me that constantly puts a smile and a laugh before a sob or a tear. I\'ve come to it not me its you fear it\'s self suffocating me like a bear with a belt I take a knife and break free and yet. No wings.