Izzi Lynn


Resigned to a fate I did not decide, 
chained to a kingdom and on no one\'s side. 
I am the one God left behind, 
I am trapped inside my own mind. 
Life goes on around me as bells chime
but I am stuck, frozen in time. 
How am I supposed to accept?
Even as I laughed, I wept and wept. 
Because I am sentenced to a life of pain
with no escape, no exit lane. 

I\'ve lost myself inside
this empty glass of wine. 
\"Champagne that tastes of stars
Stuck on the highway watching cars. 
Seagulls swooping across the sea and sand
Robins that feed out of a hand.\" 
Memories I breath in like oxygen
Memories that feed my fire like wind. 

Plastic roses that look real
I am a doll who cannot feel. 
I write things down so I won\'t remember
why my fire still has an ember. 
I wished upon a passing cloud
that the screams in my head weren\'t so loud.