
Let Love Begin

Well what can I offer you

When you already have

Everything and more...

You snap your fingers and

An entourage of nameless

Faces come running pampering

You but isn\'t there not anything

You do not yearn for...where

Do you go when you dream,

Do you ever feel like there\'s

Something missing in your heart

...well I may be a fool but here\'s

Sending my love your way all

The way to the United Kingdom

From Tennessee now does that

Bring a smile to your face, does

That make your day, does that take

You away, does that touch you

Deep within if it does then c\'mon

And Let Love Begin oh you red

Haired English angel open up your

Heart, open your heat and let me in

Although we are an ocean apart

Don’t you know I\'d jump a jet plane

Tonight to get to you if you\'d only,

Only open your heart and Let Love
