
Wandering & Love

They wouldn\'t meet until later in life

it would be about 20 years

till she would be his wife

he released a bottle in the ocean with a note

His intention was for it to float

she found it


the note read

\"sometimes when satisfied in life

can only mean you are not ready. Wander & love.\"

these words stuck with her for years

she waited time and time

no lover could stop her tears

she keeps searching

he found her


night and day they spend time together

almost seems as though it\'s forever

she smiles

he laughs

pure bliss

for him and her there is none a miss

they found happiness


she tells him how she found a note

she bent over and acquired it from her boat

how it said those words

she waited from him who wrote this note

they lived and died

they were always happy

they barely cried.

Wandering & Love