Patrick Fernatt


As I walk through the Black Forest I can\'t help but see what remains I try to remember all the memories that it contains as I enter I can see trees that burned from the top down and everything is still there\'s not a sound. Only the wind as it stirs up the ashes and an occasional crackling of a tree as it crashes.
As I walk further into the black forest all I see are charred remains on the ground and looking ahead I can see buildings and homes that have been burned down.
As I walk deeper and deeper into the black forest I can see the destruction and the devastation this fire has placed I can see all the time and all the memories that it erased. As I look around all I see is bad all I see is destruction all I see is wrong. and then I think how everything is not lost how Tennessee is Smoky Mountain strong. Instead of total devastation I see temporary displacement. Instead of total loss I see a new beginning like a spring after a frost
I see people who have cried their fair share of tears but find happiness when they say we\'ve been here for years. They find joy when they know somebody stands with them when we stand together people look at this state and these mountains say this is my home forever.
To our left and to our right we see family we see neighbors and we see friends when we look deep we can see laughter we can see smiles and we know that this is not end. A week ago we were in a panic and many were afraid. But we stand strong with the people beside us that we know together we\'re not dismayed. Time and time again is proved that there is strength in numbers everybody here is an over comer. Some here were fire fighters, some here are policemen, some here fire victims, some here are family some are neighbors, some are National Guard, some are volunteers some are citizens. But when I look at all these people there\'s only one thing I see. We are Smoky Mountain Strong. We are Tennessee.