Izzi Lynn

Bleed and Break

Perhaps I\'ll just have to learn to live with a broken body
Skin and bones that bleed and break
Muscles and organs that scream and ache
My heart burns
My stomach churns
My skin bleeds red
My lungs are dead
My feet are cold
My eyes are old. 

Youthful humanity. 
I can see, I can hear, 
I can touch, I can smell
I am human, yes. 
But my body is broken. 

Perhaps this is a pain I must live with, a certain strife. 
Not temporary, but a way of life. 
But perhaps, it is better this way. 
Maybe, I\'ll wake up one day
and find that the pain has all gone away. 
Or maybe I never will
and when the day comes that I am still
I\'ll have died still taking Advil. 

I have a broken body. 

Perhaps I\'ll learn to live with pain
and it will make me stronger than I was before. 
Perhaps I\'ll learn to sing in the rain
and it will teach me how to soar.