I knew I had to tear it down,
Maybe not all at the same time
But one at a time
Before I can give myself a reason,
On why it should go down
I needed to know why it went up
Walls doesn’t just build up overnight,
But if you collect enough bricks
Soon you’ll have enough supplies
I never wanted to be that way
But you know what they say
You can’t always have it your way
So how did all started?
Well let’s just say FEAR happened
Few disappointments and few miss errors
Will make you walk down the stairs
You can’t walk forward
If you always looking backwards,
The Pyramid wasn’t built from the top to bottom
So I knew I could be knock down and still look upwards
But why I never made it to the top,
Or why did I stop,
Maybe I wanted to please everyone
Not realizing I can’t give my all to everybody
I couldn’t help myself so why did I try to help anybody
Every negative words thrown my way,
Became those bricks that I laid
The results of my earlier failures,
Became the strip footing of my walls
Waiting for someone to care or call,
It was just like, giving the walls time to dry
Few days came by and still felt so empty
That’s when I began building up my walls
Few days, few months,
And years came by
Finally I built up my walls
I became so little they became so tall
I hide behind those walls
Because I didn’t want my peers to see my fall
But that didn’t stop me from my own waterfall
I knew the walls became the bodyguards of life
But I didn’t felt the safety
Rather I felt so lonely and empty
I wanted my freedom again
But I knew those walls will prevent me