
Hull. City of Culture 2017..Poets corner

My city has been awarded City of Culture 2017.

For 365 days this year there will be singing 

acting, Art and of course Poetry....in various 

Venues around Hull... A Year to remember.

please look us up on the internet.....


Hull. City of Culture, poets corner.

Talented people from every corner of our land,
Will emerge from bricks, motor and sand.
Softly spoken to a sea of souls,
The poets verse now unfolds.
Captivate the audience as they sit and listen,
Wonderful words of stories they\'ve written.
Odes from the very start of time,
Words momentarily written in line after line.
Transporting us back when love was so pure,
Moving us forward so from life we can endure.
Tears and emotions will overtake as they talk,
This night we\'ll remember on our path as we walk.


I love my town, hope everyone loves our time in the spotlight