
And in Conclusion of my Life

growing old
from the standpoint of moi
means what

I\'ve lived life on the tilt
daring myself
stepping across the line
breathing uncontaminated air
not the staleness
of status quo
air which was mine alone
to consume
danced on the edge
sometimes falling off

getting back up
with a laugh
strutting on down the boulevard
snapping fingers
cool, yes indeed, way too cool

visited various beds
never took any of them
all that seriously
uh, yeah, there was that one
but the idiot that I was
only took it serious after it was gone
I\'m still paying for my folly
each and every day
and will
until the day I die
I\'d found a rose
among a field of bitter weeds
God help me
I failed to understand
I\'m so very sorry, Nanette

here I am
spending my days remembering
my free-styling ways
shaking my head at things I\'ve done
not to worry
I\'m okay with everything
by that I mean
I\'ve forgiven myself
no longer let the past rule every waking moment
of course forgiving
and remembering are two
distance cousins
for to be completely blunt
and blunt is what I have often been accused of being
damnit there are some things
you just can\'t forgive yourself for
but I\'ve done my best

©Jerry Pat Bolton