
The Mind Obsesses

The Mind Deliberates

The Heart is Impulsive

The Soul is Wise.


The Mind Obsesses

The Heart is Restless

The Soul is Still.


The Mind Overanalyzes

The Heart Yearns

The Soul is Calm.


The most peace that I have ever known has come from alignment with the soul.


Free from worry, free from heartache

Free to feel unconditional love and acceptance Clarity arises, freedom surfaces and emotional turbulence begins to calm.


Instincts kick in, the mind, the heart and the soul begin to move in unity.

There is ease, flow and strength simultaneous with serenity

There is velocity simultaneous with calmness.


I stand tall, feeling statuesque because I can now see above the façade of needing to be perfect, different or better.


There is no judgement, there is no regret, there is no superiority, there is no resentment, there is no jealousy.


There is only pure presence and never-ending healing light and energy.


There is room to breathe

There is space to simply be me.


There is tremendous gratitude, deep compassion, creativity and cosmic, primal energy.


There is purpose, passion and effortless grace

The most graceful strength that grounds me and directs thought, movement, sight and speech.


Standing supremely solid with strength that doesn’t overpower, but that only invites more strength, clarity, stillness and magical power.


When I’m there, I hold the space, I am the light and I radiate that light continuously.


As the light swirls, the precious power circulates, creating the greatest sense of grace, tranquility, presence and strength that I have ever known.


I thought I needed to stop thinking so much and start following my heart instead, but as it turns out, I simply craved connection with my soul, which was the key to using my mind and heart in the way that they were meant to dance together and make magic.