
Absence of Lux

As the man steps into the light, I appear; dull and dark in form. 

My existence is solely dependent on him and the lux. 


We have grown together.  Year after year, I follow him.

Mature now, married and with children, we spend our days working. 

He thinks and contemplates every move and I just tag along. 


I can never complain or say a single thing. 

The children pay me no mind at all when we are all together. 


I pursue him everywhere.  I cannot make a move without him. 

If he falls, I too must fall.  I never feel a thing. 

Planting flowers in the garden together, I cannot appreciate the fragrances of Spring.


Staring at him constantly, I glimpse little more than what is right in front of me. 

Never perceiving what he sees unless his back is to me. 

Looking past me, his eyes light up. 

What is it?  I must know, but cannot turn my head. 

We walk away.  I’m not allowed to visualize it for myself.


At dinner time, we’re seated together at the table. 

I’m closer to him than anyone else could ever be. 

He enjoys his meal. 

Though I mimic his eating, I taste nothing. 


I’ve always belonged solely to him and yet he rarely even notices my very being. 

There is no me, without him. 

Every time there’s an absence of lux, I cease to exist.