
A Love, Neurotic

There\'s always room for you
Inside my dying heart
I was never the epitome of good
I never got that far
To say the words I needed to say,
It comes to me as indifference
Always hoping for that better day
That day of silent deliverance
The empty hole, the bleeding gap
Will always have your name
Written in rusted hopes and bitter flames
The cage that holds my image of perfection
Whose fault is it you can\'t fly away?
The bird whose feathers of ice
Fall to mark my grave
A death seemed so effortless
Powerless for me to change
But I won\'t let you die
You calm the burning in my veins
But to feel the chills of winter frost
Is it worth the lesser pain?
Am I worth it anyways...
The tree fallen in a forest of no green
Just missing brambles of what could be
The scattered fears of imperfection, insecurity
The monotonous broken only by seeming fall
The descending silence of my own screaming
Is it worth it all?
Am I worth it all...