
Hold That Thought...

Hold That Thought I\'ve got a

UFO to catch...they wanna

Throw me a party for some

Reason or another but I\'m

Sure it\'ll be a hoot-n-any so

Hold That Thought darlin’

I\'ll be back before you can

Finish your beer and we can

Get back to getting down

And dirty...oh my heart, oh

What a day...this morning

My new cd was released

And I graced the cover of

Time magazine then took

A limo to have lunch with

Tom Petty and Don Henley

Little did I know BMI arranged

The whole thing for my first

Smash hit “Out Of a Dream”

I thought the celebration

Would never end so we\'d

Get back to getting down

And dirty well it seems

Everything I touch now

Just turns to gold oh but

Wait a minute baby

Hold That Thought and

My beer...I\'ll be back

Before you can get out

Of them clothes, just

Hold That Thought...

I\'ll be back before you

Can say baby don\'t go

I have to catch this UFO

So just Hold That

Thought, Hold That
