

Getting judged is something no one in particular wants

Though it\'s quite ironic how people ask not to judge

When they themselves are judging, maybe judging the one who judged them

There is no such thing as not judging

By denying it, may cause you to judge the questioner 

You see, no matter how much you suppress, you are always judging

Though judging is not always negative, it\'s a judge nonetheless 

Humans of this earth have something on their minds, whether they want to say it or not

Some people deserve the judging, from the grave they dug themselves

Others, judge based on facts pulled from thin air

Thus the term \"Don\'t judge a book by it\'s cover.\"

I, myself, have the habit of judging things based on looks

Strictly against one of the worlds most famous sayings

But by judging others, and not knowing them, do people judge me?

Do they know how I avoid them due to a rumor?

Will they realize I judged and judge me, then question him[her]self, then judge others?

Was this my fault? Or was it my parents for raising me like this?

Should I judge them? No, I shouldn\'t, but I already have.

The verdict is in my mind no matter how hard I try to erase it

Should I judged the innocent kid walking down the corridor?

Of course not! But the defender has lost

The judge disperses from my mind to words, regret? Yes.

But I reached a conclusion, if not judging doesn\'t exist, who SHOULD I be judging?

Why... The answer is simple, I should be judging Me.

By judging myself, maybe I can fix my flaws.

Yes, this sounds better than my parents, or that innocent boy whom I *admit* misjudged

Maybe judging doesn\'t exist, but.... Who am I to judge?