THE EARTH ANGELS ~ An Acrostic Sonnet

T  THEY  are People ~ chosen by GOD ~ and they

H  HAVE  special responsibility to  

E   EXPRESS  God\'s love ~ power and grace on Earth !


E   EARTH ANGELS  are everywhere ~ often in

A   A KEY ROLE  in the Caring Professions 

R   RESCUE WORKERS  Nurses ~ Teachers ~ Carers

T   THEY  are mainly Female ~ because they do

H   HAVE  more empathy ~ and they are more ANGELIC ! 


A   ANGELS of Planet Earth are all Humans

N   NOMINATED  by God ~ because of their

G   GREAT  love for people ~ especially for those

E   EXPERIENCING  loss and grief and pain 

L   LOOK OUT  for them where there is the most need

S   SUPER POWERS  of \"healing\" ~ but no wings !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love to ALL ~ BRIAN XOX


I have experienced the presence and TLC of an Earth Angel

have you ?  Maybe you are one !  All Nurses are Angels !!


This Acrostic is written in the form of a 3 ~ 5 ~ 6 blank verse

Sonnet. There are 14 lines (as in all sonnets) and each line has

ten syllables ~ iambic pentameter ~ OK.