To My Father

It\'s been a while since I\'ve seen you make a post

on social media about your divorce and how you hurt the most. 

This time you read a note that she wrote a year ago

saying it\'s been 15 years since you\'ve known

that you\'re \"meant to be\". 5 Months later

she said God didn\'t give her a way out of the marriage

and she can\'t wait any longer. 6 Months later

the divorce is final. 4 Months later 

she\'s in love with another.

She wants the kids to meet him.

I would have sympathy, but I don\'t anymore.

This woman is obviously a Whore.

She never treated me like my sister or my brother

all because we knew she wasn\'t my Mother.

I looked up to you dad, you did what was best for the family.

Like kicking me out because she falsely accused me

of touching my sister inappropriately.

Did I mention I was 6 and she was only 3?

I wasn\'t allowed back until my uncle died

which was 5 years later, isn\'t that sad?

At age 11 she \"allowed\" me to come in the house.

Why did my father listen to his crazy spouse?

I was apart of the family until age 16 

Apparently my sister had a dream

of a dark figure. You assumed it was me.

You listened to your wife and put lies in her head.

Told her a \"truth\" that I never did!


I loved you even when you came clean.

The drugs, the alcohol, and even the pain.

I never blamed you and gave you forgiveness.

Enough is enough. She\'s still your mistress.

I remember you told me you value her more

than your kids because she could make more. 

Yet I let that go thinking you were joking.

Now I know that you weren\'t lying.

You came to me sad that you missed

all of theses years and relationships you pissed.

I thought you meant it, ready to start over.

You wanted to see me and make up for what you lost.

That didn\'t last, I never hear or talk cause I\'m not sober.

I did what I could to reach out to you.

I even got into poetry just to relate to you.


Im 20 now and done with understanding.

I have a life to build and I\'m still planning.


I\'m an architect of my future,

the blue prints don\'t involve you.

To my Father, I wish you the best.

Maybe you\'ll find peace. But I\'m done

fighting, so I\'m going to rest.